May, 2022 Harmony Way Newsletter
Harmony Way
May, 2022 Newsletter
By: Michelle Caron, Owner of Harmony Way in
Wilbraham, Massachusetts, USA

Welcome to the May, 2022 Harmony Way Newsletter!
May is a beautiful late-spring month of flowers, sunshine and new growth, at least here in Massachusetts. It is an excellent time to be outdoors, enjoying nature or planting something, even if only a few flowers or culinary herbs. Getting our hands in the dirt is not only grounding, but also great for our health! There are mindfulness benefits (article about this below), as well as a microbiome health boost from working in the soil.
May is also a great time to begin new projects and to learn something new. What are you planting this month?
Below you will find some great recipes, articles and workouts, as well as upcoming events. Whatever your plans are for May, enjoy and be well!

You can also check out the CALENDAR page on this website for upcoming events/classes/workshops.

Pre-Registration Necessary
You'll also need the Zoom Cloud Meetings app to participate with video.
It's free and simple to install/use.

Upcoming FREE Virtual Events
(Register With Michelle at Harmony Way)
With virtual classes and events, you can learn with me from anywhere in the world!
Next Free Virtual Event:
Drug-Free Core Shamanic Gathering
(Advance Registration Necessary)
To register, please send your name and email address to us at:
Date: Saturday, June 18th
1:00-3:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Zoom
This event is a supportive community of people sharing, communicating and meditating/journeying together. Those who are experienced at shamanic journey work/ceremony are welcome, as well as those with absolutely no prior experience. This is not a class/educational event, but rather an opportunity for growth, positive intention and healing with a like-minded group of compassionate individuals in a judgement-free, sacred space.

Harmony Way Virtual
Home & Family Herbal Training Program
*Prerequisite for
The Harmony Way Professional Herbalist Training Program*
More information about this program is here:
Over 60+ Hours of Herbal Education!
This program runs from March through December each year.
The Harmony Way Virtual
Professional Herbalist Training Program
*Prerequisite: Harmony Way Home & Family
Herbal Training Program*
Over 350+ Hours of Professional Level,
Experiential Herbal Training!

Core Shamanic Healing & Counseling Classes:
(Only for those currently enrolled as students)
More information about this training program
(and its need-based, BIPOC/AAPI scholarship) is here:
All years of classes for training begin in September
*Applications for the next first year class will be accepted until July 1st, 2022 or until available spaces are filled.*

Wishing you a healthy, happy month!
This Month's Exercise Demos:

(From: Self Empowerment)
(From: KidGo Coach Hayne)
There are two very different workouts above for you to try this month. First, there is a brisk walk that is sure to raise your heart rate and to help you feel refreshed. The second option above is brief, a kid's "brain break" workout, that involves dancing with the music, then stopping in place to "freeze" for a moment. This is one that the whole family can try.
Both videos should be a lot of fun.
*Always check in with your medical health provider for advice and guidance before starting a new workout program, being mindful of any existing conditions or injuries that you have, discussing these with a qualified medical professional prior to trying any workout.
This Month's Wellness Articles:

(From: NIH News in Health)
(From: Live Science)
Mindfulness is always a good idea! If we can learn to live more in the moment, to be as fully present as possible as often as possible, there are benefits for our brains, hearts, emotions, relationships and much more. The article above about mindfulness can share many of the details about those benefits. Additionally, there is an interesting article above about a recent scientific discovery! A new part of the body was found "hiding" in our lungs. That is sure to be an educational and enlightening read.
This Month's Yummy Recipe Links:

(From: Rachel Steenland)
Gluten-Free, Vegan, Nut-Free
(From: From my Bowl)
Vegan, Gluten-Free
Blueberries? YES! Scones? Absolutely! Lemons? Sure! Pasta? Definitely! Above you will find this month's yummy recipes to try, if they appeal to you. Blueberry scones with lemon and lavender sound spring-like to me. Creamy lemon pasta with veggies sounds like a treat for warmer weather that would be quite refreshing, too. If you try either recipe, both are entirely plant-based and have gluten-free options. The scones are also nut and peanut-free. Delicious and nutrient-dense!
