What people are saying:
"What an inspiration you’ve been to us, Michelle...Your commitment and dedication to herbal studies, your love of life, and plants and your deep and grounded insights into life clearly radiate from a place of deep wisdom...May the plants continue to guide you on your journey to the Heart of the Green Nations.
With love and green blessings,"
-Rosemary Gladstar
"Michelle is a gifted healer, guide and a wise sage. Her shamanic work, healing sessions and wise counsel was and still is an integral part of healing for my family. When my mother passed Michelle rearranged her schedule and made herself available for me to conduct psychopomp work for my mother. The session gave me an immense peace of mind and soothed my heart knowing that my mom made it to her destination, and she is full of light, joy and truly happy. Thank you Michelle for the amazing work you do in seen and unseen realms!!"
"I can't even begin to express just how much I have appreciated all your guidance throughout this year. You have helped me so much, as you have helped so many other people. You're truly an amazing person with such a gift."
-T. H.
"I saw you back in January. I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me back then. I feel so much better. Although we are going through some scary times I am surprisingly very calm. I would usually be very panicked and overwhelmed, but I feel calm and trust that all will be fine. Thank you so much for your help."
"Thanks, Michelle! My neck was killing me this morning -- so much better now. :)"
"Your yoga classes are wonderful! I appreciate all that you are doing for us seniors. "
"Dear Michelle,
When my spirits are low I know that I can call on you to lift them up. I will try to remember all that you have taught me. I thank you and I love you."
"Having an autoimmune disorder like I have (Hashimoto's, an autoimmune thyroid condition) is not something to mess around with. Food is such a HUGE part of what affects you and can contribute to the symptoms that you may be having. I'm finally taking control of my life the way that I want and more importantly NEED to and I'm learning how to heal my gut health first and foremost. I'm working with a wonderful health and wellness coach in Wilbraham, MA who's helped me completely change my lifestyle. I'm learning how to eat SUPER clean and healthy and make some fun and delicious foods that I would never thought I'd be eating, and most of it takes usually 5-10 minutes to make max! I'm not substituting anything for a meal, eating real [organic, plant-based, whole] foods, I'm almost off of gluten, almost off of dairy and completely off of soy. I'm eating heart healthy foods and am already starting to see and feel results and it's only been 5 weeks. My only regret is that I couldn't do this sooner. I'm feeling wonderful, and this has truly changed my life for the better! Thank you Michelle Caron for your support, and all your help. I couldn't do this without you!!"
"I just wanted to let you know that I am really enjoying your fitness classes and getting so much out of them. You are an incredible instructor! I feel stronger and stronger every day and leave every class feeling so much better than when I walked in. I really appreciate and look forward to your classes each week and have learned so much from you! Thank you!"
"Michelle is very kind and understanding. My first Reiki session went very well. Michelle has much to offer. Great fund of knowledge for natural healing and she's the kind of practitioner who can motivate you to be better and will be encouraging when you most need that."
-Dr. J.P.
"You gave me my hands back!" -M.E.S.
"Just wanted to take a moment to give a big thank you to Michelle for all the hard work she is doing to teach us. She's like a one woman whirlwind keeping all this going with classes, scheduling, yummy food!!! (always a favorite), and everything else. I can also say, I can't emphasize enough the positive impact she has had on my life over the last few years and how appreciative I am for all the good folks of our circle."
"Hi Michelle, I felt the need to thank you again for everything you do. You have helped me heal and begin a journey that I'm not sure I could have done without you. I feel myself transforming and am starting to actually love myself, let go of fear and anxiety, and be free from substance dependency -- something I haven't done in a loooonggg time. Thank you thank you for being such an amazing teacher and positive influence for so many. So thankful to be able to use the tools you have shown me. xoxo"
"Michelle's dedication to the mission of connecting MIND-BODY-SPIRIT is exemplary. She is one professional who doesn't only care for her every client, but also holds the most up-to-date knowledge in her discipline. Michelle's professionalism, easy going and caring personality help her clients tremendously. I recommend her strongly for the services she is offering."
-Dr. O.F.
"Michelle is so deeply caring and naturally intuitive that you may not realize how much intelligence and talent she has. It's easy to overlook since she makes her work seem effortless. Michelle is a highly skilled, motivated, sweet person who has excelled at everything I've seen her do. Truly wonderful!"
"Reiki was really just what I needed to feel better. Thank you! It helped me with some serious stress and emotional issues that I was struggling with and got me through them more easily, helping me to cope, to be calmer, taking the edge off the stress and even allowing me to sleep better. When I would see Michelle for a session, I was able to just forget the stress, relax and focus on myself and where my body was holding tension. Reiki helped with some minor pain issues I was having at the time, too."
Hello, I came to you 2 years ago and felt an immediate comfort with you. I appreciate the help and information that you gave me. Thank you for your advice and for all that you have done -- you have impacted me greatly - even with only meeting once so far.Thanks again and wishing you all the best!"
"I want you to know that my hip is doing much better. I appreciate your work and think you are a great Shamanic Practitioner. I will also continue to journey as you taught me. Namaste."
"I have to admit, I have tried one of the [SoundCloud] website's meditations so far. I was so relaxed I very nearly fell asleep. Really enjoyed it. Glad I found my way to this site, which has opened up a whole new world of information for me."
"Words cannot begin to express our feelings about Michelle. She has been tutoring and coaching our son for all the years of his college experience. She lends both academic and emotional support. She guides and helps him to navigate through challenging assignments, knowing just the right balance of pushing him and knowing when to ease up because he has put out all that he can. Her total heart and soul go into the work she does, and has provided us with the feeling that there is a safety net always there for him. It is a lucky person who is privileged enough to work with Michelle."
-J&S B.
"Michelle is one of the most professional, empathetic and effective teachers I have ever known. She is extremely expert in her field. Always prepared, Michelle maintains accurate records and is always in contact with her clients."
"Dear Michelle,
You are our most favorite, most amazing, and most incredible coach! With deep appreciation for your unwavering support of us all. Without you, our son would have never reached this milestone of graduating from college. You are truly a lifesaver. With love and many thanks. "
"Congratulations [on the award] Michelle!!! I'm glad that there are others who recognize your excellent people skills, the great benefit you are to those around you and your always positive influence in building better communities. My sincere hopes that Harmony Way will continue to flourish and connect with those that could benefit from your insights, experience and programs."
"We did it! The house is light and feels really cleansed -- I can't believe it. My cousin visited us from California, and I told her nothing about all the work you did on the house. She went upstairs very reluctantly, because she said since she was little the upstairs always scared her. When she got to the hallway upstairs her eyes got really big and she exclaimed, "WOW! It feels lighter, safer, happier up here! What's going on?!" I told her what you did for us. She was just astounded. My cousin is one of those sensitive types, like me, who knew something remarkable had changed. I think your energetic clearing with Reiki on the house and the Shamanic Work you also did will assist us in selling this house. Thank you again for sending those pesky lost spirits to where they belonged and for clearing the energy in the house. I believe the spirits you moved along are grateful you sent them into the light...and we are grateful for the incredible energy work you did for us!"
Do you want to send us a testimonial? Please feel free to contact us anytime!