Core Shamanic Training Course
There is currently a small group of students training in Core Shamanic Healing, Counseling, and Divination one Saturday afternoon each month at Harmony Way. We have a full class at this point. But, there will be future opportunities to join another class.
This is very exciting! For many years, people have inquired about there being some opportunity for a core shamanic training program that would meet regularly to learn about the most commonly practiced shamanic healing techniques from around the world and to learn about connecting with the Earth and its many energies and spirits on a deeper level, in addition to finding new ways to connect with our own helping spirits on a deeper level. Finally, THIS IS IT! Harmony Way is elated to be able to offer shamanic training! This is a beautiful, judgement-free community of people learning and sharing together with open hearts and minds in circle, supporting each other and practicing what they learn with each other. You will be safe among friends. What is shared in circle will stay in circle. This program is transformational and will help you to become more self aware, as well as more aware of and in tune with the natural world around you and your innate intuitive abilities.

Some of the areas of learning within the program:
Meeting and working with power animals, as well as teachers/guides/angels/deceased loved ones/ancestor spirits, deepening intuition, energetic extraction, word "doctoring," "psychopomp" (the process of helping the dead and dying to cross over and to rid places of unwanted "stuck" spirits and energies and helping lost soul parts to heal and return), soul retrieval, dream interpretation, shamanic divination, reading signs in nature, connecting more deeply with the Earth, its spirits of place, its elements and energies, and using those for healing and transformation, and the plants and animals who live here, eliminating the ego as much as possible and living from and seeing with the heart and spirit...and many other areas of study.
These are just a few of the areas that you will learn about as you study and practice within this program in the amazingly supportive atmosphere of your circle of fellow students. There will be homework for every session as well. But, it will be FUN homework! Please note that this course requires a commitment and will not be a "drop-in" environment. You will be required to complete your homework and to come prepared to learn.
Healthy refreshments will be provided at every session to keep you grounded, as will tea (or coffee or water, if you prefer). If you have any dietary restrictions or concerns, please make us aware at your earliest convenience. Everything will be nutritious, vegan (plant-based, no animal products used), paleo-friendly, gluten-free, allergy-friendly, low glycemic, and delicious.
Cost of program:
This is going to be a low sliding-scale for everyone. Each three-hour session will cost $30-$50 total for the entire afternoon. Pay whatever is affordable for you on that scale. If the cost is too much of a hardship for anyone, please let us know, so we can figure something out that will make this affordable for you, even if it means bartering, gifting or work for learning exchange. We want this to be affordable and accessible to everyone.
We will spend time outdoors (weather permitting) during each class as well. So, students should dress accordingly.
The current class is full at this time. If you are interested in studying with us in the future, please contact Michelle to get on the list for the next group. You will be able to apply in the future if this program resonates with you.
You can reach Michelle Caron of Harmony Way via email: or her website: or via phone: 413-636-2475
The world needs this work more now than ever.