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November, 2022 Harmony Way Newsletter

Harmony Way

November, 2022 Newsletter

By: Michelle Caron, Owner of Harmony Way in

Wilbraham, Massachusetts, USA

Glitter Confetti Hearts

Welcome to the November, 2022 Harmony Way Newsletter!

Autumn is winding down and beginning to transition into winter here in New England. Even though it is colder and the showy leaves of fall have passed, there is still so much beauty to observe in nature. It's a fabulous time to bundle up and get outdoors if you feel adventurous. It's also a wonderful time of year to practice deep rest in a cozy environment. Whatever you feel as the days continue to shorten and grow colder, give yourself rest, gentleness and

self-love when you need it.

You are worth it!


Balloon spelling the word, "love"



Harmony Way Virtual Yoga & Zumba Fitness Classes

Pre-Registration Necessary

You'll also need the Zoom Cloud Meetings app to participate.

It's free and simple to install/use.

Harmony Way Virtual Home & Family Herbal Training Program

Harmony Way Virtual

Home & Family Herbal Training Program

*Prerequisite for

The Harmony Way Professional Herbalist Training Program*

More information about this program is here:

Over 60+ Hours of Herbal Education!

This program runs from March through December each year.

Harmony Way Virtual Professional Herbalist Training Program


The Harmony Way Virtual

Professional Herbalist Training Program

*Prerequisite: Harmony Way Home & Family

Herbal Training Program*

Over 350+ Hours of Professional Level,

Experiential Herbal Training!

Harmony Way Core Shamanic Healing and Counseling Training Program

Core Shamanic Healing & Counseling Classes:

This year's virtual classes have already started. Applications are already coming in for the 2023 class.

More information about this training program

(and its need-based, BIPOC/AAPI scholarship) is here:

Herbal Tea

Wishing you a healthy, joyful month!

This Month's Exercise Demos:

Group Exercise Class

(From: Runnin' for Sweets)

How about some seasonal, holiday-oriented exercise? It might be fun! Thirty minute workouts can be great, especially as we move into the holiday season, where many people feel pulled in various directions with even less time than usual. Did you know that moving your body 30 minutes or more per day has been proven to help with stress and anxiety (in addition to the many other health benefits)? If you don't have 30 minutes to spare all at once, you could even try setting up smaller workouts of 10 minutes each a few times per day to equal 30 minutes or more total. If you feel stressed, good sleep and times of rest when needed, proper nutrition/hydration and moving your body might help a lot.

*Always check in with your medical health provider for advice and guidance before starting a new workout program, being mindful of any existing conditions or injuries that you have, discussing these with a qualified medical professional prior to trying any workout.

This Month's Wellness Articles:


(From: NIH)

There has recently been a lot of education and attention focused around ADD/ADHD and other types of neurodivergence. It is even trending on social media right now. This is terrific, since it helps everyone to understand neurodivergent and neurodiverse minds, which are actually way more common than you might realize! No two minds think exactly the same way. No two people process or problem solve in exactly the same ways either. Often, my most gifted and talented students over the years have been neurodivergent in various ways.

Some of the greatest thinkers of our time have also been neurodivergent, including having ADD/ADHD. While this often comes with truly immense challenges maneuvering through a world set up for neurotypical people, also being able to hyper-focus and dive into solving issues with non-linear thinking can be pretty amazing super powers as well. If you are interested in learning about how many people's minds work, especially those who think a bit differently, this is a great article to educate yourself.

This Month's Yummy Recipe Links:

Vegan Bolognese Sauce

(From: Sweet, Simple Vegan)

Gluten-Free, Oil-Free, Vegan, Refined-Sugar-Free

I decided to continue the pumpkin theme from last month. Why? Well, why not? Pumpkins and other winter squash (or sweet potatoes as a substitute, for those who dislike/can't eat winter squash) are readily available at this time of year in much of the US and are a common meal or dessert addition, especially for fall/winter holiday dishes. They are absolutely packed with nutrition, too. Also, they taste great as a bonus! I love to cook without oil or refined sugars; so dates are a great and nourishing sweetener in this recipe. If you make it, I hope you enjoy it!

Spread Love

PS It's time to focus on getting cozy. Rest and heal if you need to do that without feeling guilty about it. Don't be afraid to go within to examine what you need to feel truly relaxed and refreshed. Rest is NECESSARY at regular intervals, despite what society might tell us. You do not constantly have to be productive to be a valuable person. You and your needs matter!


Copyright © *2022* *Harmony Way* All rights reserved.

Harmony Way Newsletter

Our mailing address is: Wilbraham, MA 01095


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