July 2021 Harmony Way Newsletter
Harmony Way
July, 2021 Newsletter
By: Michelle Caron, Owner of Harmony Way in
Wilbraham, Massachusetts, USA

Welcome to the July, 2021 Harmony Way Newsletter!
July is officially here! Stay cool, be safe and have fun this month, especially if you are traveling. I hope you will enjoy this month's articles, recipes and workouts, which are located further down in this newsletter. 💖

You can also check out the CALENDAR page on this website for upcoming events/classes/workshops.

Pre-Registration Necessary You'll also need the Zoom Cloud Meetings app to participate with video.
It's free and simple to install/use.

Virtual Home & Family Herbal Training Program
(Only for those currently enrolled as students)
More information about this program is here:
Current program's classes began virtually in March, 2021 and will continue through December, 2021.
Current Students: Please see your schedule and monthly reminder emails for dates/times and Zoom links for our classes. Looking forward to seeing you at our next class meeting! You will continue to receive monthly updates/reminders.
If you are interested in this program, enrollment for the 2022 class will open in March of next year. Thank you!

Core Shamanic Healing & Counseling Classes, Years 1, 2, & 3:
(Only for those currently enrolled as students)
More information about this training program (and its available scholarship) is here:
Classes for all current years of training began in September
(virtually, due to Covid-19).
Deadline for application for 2021 year one VIRTUAL class
(and scholarship application):
July 1st, 2021
Next year one class begins in September, 2021.
New scholarship recipients and those enrolled for the next year's class will be contacted via email this month with the entire schedule for 2021-2022.
Current Students: Please see the email you received and monthly reminder emails with all meetings times/dates/policies/links. Looking forward to seeing you at our next class meeting!
Current students will continue to receive emailed updates about meetings and how classes will work each month.

Upcoming Virtual Events...Stay Tuned for More Information:
Wednesday, September 29th -- Free Zoom Presentation:
Gut Health & Its Importance to Overall Health
(Hosted by & Registration Through The River Valley Co-op)
Wednesday, November 10th -- Free Zoom Presentation:
Self Care of Body, Mind & Spirit During the Holiday Season
(Hosted by & Registration Through The River Valley Co-op)

Wishing you a healthy, happy month!
This Month's Workouts:

(From: Sydney Cummings)
(From: Virtual Running)
Above are two workouts that you can do to stay in shape this month or anytime. Both can be done from the comfort of your own home or anywhere with air conditioning during the hot days of summer. One is HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)…while the other is a longer, slow burn workout.
Always check in with your medical health provider for advice before starting a new workout program, being mindful of any existing conditions or injuries that you have, bringing these up with a medical professional prior to trying any workout routine.
This Month's Wellness Articles:

(From: Mountain Rose Herbs)
(From: Live Science)
Bathrooms are often germy places. However, that doesn't mean that you have to use toxin-filled cleaners in that room, or anywhere, in your home. Above are some great, inexpensive "greener" cleaner recipes for you to try. Also, this is an important time of year for sunscreen, especially if you are outdoors a lot. Please check to make sure that your sunblock isn't carcinogenic or harmful to ocean creatures or waterway ecosystems, such as coral reefs.
This Month's Yummy Recipe Links:

(From: My Sequined Life)
GF, Vegan, Grain-Free
(From: The Full Helping)
Grain-Free, Nut-Free, Vegan, Gluten-Free
High in fiber, protein, calcium, nonheme (vegan/heart-friendly) iron, magnesium and healthy fats, both of these recipes are scrumptious and cooling for summer. I highly recommend either or both of them if you love chilled foods at this time of year. Enjoy!
