January 2021 Harmony Way Newsletter
Harmony Way Newsletter
By: Michelle Caron, Owner of Harmony Way in Wilbraham, Massachusetts, USA

Welcome to the January, 2021 Harmony Way Newsletter! Happy New Year and welcome to 2021!
May it be a MUCH better year than 2020! This newsletter is chock-full of wonderful opportunities and education to better your health and well-being in the next year. Whether you are new to holistic health or consider yourself an expert, there is a little something for everyone in the Harmony Way January newsletter. Also, there are new events to check out for wellness (simply scroll down for that information). In addition to the usual classes and private sessions offered, there is a low-cost virtual yoga and meditation retreat later this month that will focus on deep relaxation, restorative poses and detoxification of the body/mind, as well as a new support group for parents/guardians of sexual assault/abuse survivors starting in February, along with more events on the way. Wherever you are and whatever you do, I wish you and your loved ones a beautiful, incredibly healthy and vibrant 2021! Sending you (virtual) celebratory hugs and high fives for the new year and its limitless opportunities! ✨💖

*UPCOMING VIRTUAL EVENTS AT HARMONY WAY* You can also check out the CALENDAR page on this website for upcoming events/classes/workshops.

Pre-Registration Necessary You'll also need the Zoom Cloud Meetings app to participate with video. It's free and easy to install/use.
*NEW* 💕 Virtual Monthly Support Group for
Parents/Guardians of Children/Teens Who Have Experienced Sexual Assault/Abuse: Free support group specifically tailored for the parents/guardians of those who have experienced sexual abuse or sexual assault. Your children have their own important story to tell with their own personal trauma. However, how can parents and other caretakers better understand the trauma behaviors of their loved ones in the aftermath of this experience...and how can they process their own feelings of trauma, guilt, shame, regret, grief, anger, etc. while receiving support from others in a safe space, so they know they are not alone?
We meet one Saturday morning per month for one hour on a first-name-only basis via Zoom. Donations are welcome, but entirely optional and not required. Parents/guardians from all family constellations are welcome. Advance registration is necessary. *This is NOT a substitute for therapy or other mental health treatment.* Please get in touch if you are a parent/guardian who would like to join this support group. First Meeting: Saturday, February 27th, 10:00 AM EST
(via Zoom)
🧘♀️ Winter VIRTUAL Restorative Yoga & Meditation Retreat 🧘♀️
(on Zoom) January 30th, 9 AM to 12 PM (EST) Advance Registration Necessary Cost: $20 (for Senior Citizens Over 60) ($30 for Everyone Else) Are you looking for a positive change in your health in the new year? Join us for a low-cost, extremely relaxing retreat facilitated by Michelle Caron, a yoga/fitness and meditation instructor, holistic health professional and owner of Harmony Way. This event is safe for seniors/those with injuries and will cover two deeply relaxing yoga flows with many gentle, detoxifying and restorative poses, as well as yogic breathing techniques and guided meditations for relaxation and well-being. Give yourself the gift of a calm mind and a relaxed body in the new year with yoga and meditation. This retreat will be held on Zoom. To register, please contact Michelle at harmonywayhealing@gmail.com
Core Shamanic Healing & Counseling Classes, Years 1, 2, & 3:
(Only for those currently enrolled for this year as students)
Classes for all years of training began in September
(remotely for now).
Please see the email you received with all meetings times/dates/policies.
Current students will continue to receive emailed updates about meetings and how classes will work each month.
Wishing you a healthy, happy month!
*You are receiving this email publication because you are a friend of Harmony Way, a client, past participant, student and/or you signed up for the e-newsletter through the website or at an event at some point. Thank you for your support!

THIS MONTH'S EXERCISE DEMOS: More Quick Yoga Warm up Stretches/Movements From: Michelle Caron, Harmony Way 45 Minute Calorie Torching Workout With Jeanette Jenkins From: POPSUGAR Fitness Always check in with your medical health provider before starting a new workout program, being mindful of any existing conditions or injuries that you have, bringing these up with a medical professional prior to trying any workout routine.

Food Combinations May Affect Brain Health From: IdeaFit The Benefits of Yoga Nidra: The Yoga of Sleep From: IdeaFit Again, I am offering you two articles, since both are relevant and helpful. Above are two interesting, useful articles about completely different topics. Both areas have seen medical and scientific research in the recent past, with more on the way. I hope you enjoy reading and learning from either or both!

A Tasty Green Smoothie Recipe (Vegan, Gluten-Free) From: Minimalist Baker Cozy At Home Any-Veggie Soup (Vegan, gluten-free, grain-free, nut-free, refined sugar-free,
soy-free) From: Oh She Glows Here are a couple of delicious recipes that can help you to start your new year off in a healthy way. Both can be modified for your specific needs/tastes and would be a great addition to any lifestyle. Enjoy these recipes in good health!
PS EVERY, SINGLE DAY (not just the New Year) is a wonderful opportunity for growth and change. I believe in you...and you are worth it!
Copyright © *2021* *Harmony Way*, All rights reserved. Harmony Way Newsletter Our mailing address is: harmonywayhealing@gmail.com Wilbraham, MA 01095