August, 2022 Harmony Way Newsletter
Harmony Way
August, 2022 Newsletter
By: Michelle Caron, Owner of Harmony Way in
Wilbraham, Massachusetts, USA

Welcome to the August, 2022 Harmony Way Newsletter!
With back-to-school approaching rapidly and summer days beginning to shorten a bit, it's a wonderful time to enjoy the last hurrah of the season with your loved ones. Whether you swim, hike, camp, day-trip, bike, kayak or read outside, there is much to love about this in-between time, where summer starts to change before the first hints of fall appear.
By the end of the month, the nights might be cooler and lovely. (Or they might least here in New England, where the only predictable thing is that the weather is often unpredictable!) The afternoon lighting often seems like "golden hour" as it shines on everything. Whatever your plans this month, enjoy and be safe and well.


Pre-Registration Necessary
You'll also need the Zoom Cloud Meetings app to participate with video.
It's free and simple to install/use.

Harmony Way Virtual
Home & Family Herbal Training Program
*Prerequisite for
The Harmony Way Professional Herbalist Training Program*
More information about this program is here:
Over 60+ Hours of Herbal Education!
This program runs from March through December each year.
The Harmony Way Virtual
Professional Herbalist Training Program
*Prerequisite: Harmony Way Home & Family
Herbal Training Program*
Over 350+ Hours
Two Years of Professional Level,
Experiential Herbal Training!

Core Shamanic Healing & Counseling Classes:
More information about this training program
(and its need-based, BIPOC/AAPI scholarship) is here:
All years of classes for training begin again in September

Wishing you a healthy, joyful month!
This Month's Exercise Demos:

(From: Teacher Mister Alonso)
If you want to feel the burn without needing to lift weights, my top two recommendations are nearly always either Pilates or Barre. They are both wonderful workouts! Also, if you have bored kiddos around the house before they head back to school soon, the second workout is for them (and you, if you want to have some time to play and move as well!).
*Always check in with your medical health provider for advice and guidance before starting a new workout program, being mindful of any existing conditions or injuries that you have, discussing these with a qualified medical professional prior to trying any workout.
This Month's Wellness Articles:

(From: NIH)
(From: Harvard Medical School )
Above are two great articles for summer. Since poor air quality on hot/hazy/humid days can affect asthma negatively, it is always important to have reminders about what to know and what to do. Since many people drink at cook-outs/barbecues over summer and during beach trips, it's also helpful to examine how alcohol affects our health in different ways.
This Month's Yummy Recipe Links:

(From: The Simple Veganista)
Gluten-Free Options, Nut-Free, Vegan
(From: Minimalist Baker)
Vegan, Gluten-Free
Do you enjoy tuna salad, but worry about the high mercury content? Well, move over tuna...because chickpeas are one of many substitutes that actually can taste AMAZING as a replacement in salad form! Chickpea salad is one of my personal favorites. (I also use Dulse seaweed flakes to give it a more tuna-like flavor.) There are many versions out there now...and it depends on your personal sandwich preferences for which one(s) might work for you.
Also, if you are like me, you have had a lot of zucchini and summer squash in a variety of cooked and raw dishes this summer. I always enjoy grating a bunch of this to make zucchini bread as a treat. An extra special version involves CHOCOLATE! This is just one more great idea for ways to use up all the zucchini you either grow, get from neighbors, CSA shares or farmer's markets/farm stands at this time of year.
