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Harmony Way August, 2021 Newsletter

Harmony Way

August, 2021 Newsletter

By: Michelle Caron, Owner of Harmony Way in

Wilbraham, Massachusetts, USA

Welcome to the August, 2021 Harmony Way Newsletter!

As the long, hot days of summer begin to wind down, approaching another season, there is so much abundant, beautiful food and medicine to harvest! If you can make a little time to enjoy this season before it transitions into the next, you will learn something new and feel incredibly connected to nature.

Please scroll down for upcoming events, free recipes, articles and workouts. Have a wonderful August! 💖


You can also check out the CALENDAR page on this website for upcoming events/classes/workshops.


Pre-Registration Necessary You'll also need the Zoom Cloud Meetings app to participate with video.

It's free and simple to install/use.

Upcoming FREE Virtual Workshops

With virtual classes, you can learn with me from anywhere in the world! Each of the following interactive, educational workshops is one to one and a half hours long. Both are hosted by the River Valley Co-op. There are two coming up in September and November that are going to fill quickly:

Wednesday, September 29th:

Gut Health & Its Importance to Overall Health

7:00 PM (Eastern Time) Webinar

In this engaging webinar you will learn why the gut is often referred to as the “second brain” and how it functions, whether balanced or imbalanced, to serve overall physical, mental/emotional health and immunity. About 80% of the immune system resides in the digestive tract, which is also an important part of the body’s microbiome. This workshop will share common challenges for the digestive tract and its well-being, as well as many tips about how to keep this vital system healthy, balanced and functioning in harmony with the rest of the body to provide maximum immunity, energy and overall wellness. Diet, lifestyle, herbs, toxins, stress management and other areas will be discussed as part of a holistic presentation about the gut and its health.

For More Information/To Register: River Valley Co-op


Wednesday, November 10th:

Self-Care of Body, Mind & Spirit During the Holiday Season

7:00 PM (Eastern Time) Webinar

To Register/For More Information

Contact The River Valley Co-op at:

Phone: (413) 529-4990


Virtual Home & Family Herbal Training Program

(Only for those currently enrolled as students)

More information about this program is here:

Current program's classes began (virtually) in March, 2021 and will continue through December, 2021.

Current Students: Please see your schedule and monthly reminder emails for dates/times and Zoom links for our classes. Looking forward to seeing you at our next class meeting! You will continue to receive monthly updates/reminders.

If you are interested in this program, enrollment for the 2022 class will open in March of next year. Thank you!

Core Shamanic Healing & Counseling Classes, Years 1, 2, & 3:

(Only for those currently enrolled as students)

More information about this training program (and its available need-based, BIPOC/AAPI scholarships) is here:

Classes for all years of training begins in September


The deadline has passed for entrance into the 2021-2022 year one training program. Applications for next year's class will be due by July 1st, 2022. Thank you.

Current Students: First class of this year is September 11th. Please see the email you received and monthly reminder emails with all meetings times/dates/policies/links. Looking forward to seeing you at our next class meeting!

Current students will continue to receive emailed updates about meetings and how classes will work each month.

Wishing you a healthy, happy month!

This Month's Exercise Demos:

(From: Kyra Pro)

(From: Pop Sugar Fitness)

Keeping workouts fun and interesting can be helpful for those who are new to or do not generally enjoy exercise. Above are two great options to try. One is a cardio workout...and the other is all about toning. Be safe and stay hydrated, especially when exercising in warmer temperatures.

Always check in with your medical health provider for advice before starting a new workout program, being mindful of any existing conditions or injuries that you have, bringing these up with a medical professional prior to trying any workout routine.

This Month's Wellness Articles:

(From: Mountain Rose Herbs)

(From: NIH)

Here are two fabulous articles that will hopefully be useful to you. We can do so much to support our gut and microbiome health through diet and lifestyle. I highly recommend the evidence-based Mountain Rose Herbs article above, as well as some great reminders and tips from the NIH about staying cool and safe during the hot summer months. I also offer virtual client sessions and classes for those looking to find support or advice in order to make healthy lifestyle changes or to get holistic health, nutrition or herbal recommendations.

This Month's Yummy Recipe Links:

(From: Mountain Rose Herbs)

Gluten-Free, Vegan, Nut-Free, Grain-Free

(From: Minimalist Baker)

Grain-Free, Vegan, Gluten-Free

Are you bored with water? If you are, above you will find some terrific ways to jazz up this important beverage. Staying hydrated, especially in summer, is extremely important for ALL functions of the body and its systems, including temperature regulation. Additionally, if you are looking for a yummy grilling recipe, look no further than the other recipe located in this month's newsletter. The smoky BBQ Black Bean Burger above is a meaty, healthy, satisfying treat (but secretly meat-free and much healthier than a regular burger). If you try either of these tasty recipes, I hope you enjoy them!

PS No matter what happens in life, at your core you are made of love and are made to give and receive love in its many forms.


Copyright © *2021* *Harmony Way* All rights reserved.

Harmony Way Newsletter

Our mailing address is: Wilbraham, MA 01095


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