March, 2022 Harmony Way Newsletter
Harmony Way
March, 2022 Newsletter
By: Michelle Caron, Owner of Harmony Way in
Wilbraham, Massachusetts, USA
Welcome to the March, 2022 Harmony Way Newsletter!
Spring is on the way, even if it doesn't seem like it just yet. There are lots of exciting things happening at Harmony Way this month, including the return of the Virtual Home & Family Herbal Training Program by popular demand AND the new Virtual Professional Herbalist Training Program. There will also be more free, fun (also virtual) events on the way soon.
Below you will find upcoming events, along with some great recipes, workouts and health articles. Whatever your March brings, here's hoping it is beautiful and inspiring for you. Sending you love, support and best wishes for a beautiful March.
You can also check out the CALENDAR page on this website for upcoming events/classes/workshops.
Pre-Registration Necessary
You'll also need the Zoom Cloud Meetings app to participate with video.
It's free and simple to install/use.
Upcoming FREE Virtual Events
(Register With Michelle at Harmony Way)
With virtual classes and events, you can learn with me from anywhere in the world!
More exciting, free virtual events are on the way soon! (Another shamanic gathering, more free webinars, etc.)
Please stay tuned for them in next month's newsletter...
Back by popular demand:
Harmony Way Virtual
Home & Family Herbal Training Program
*Prerequisite for
The Harmony Way Professional Herbalist Training Program*
More information about this program is here:
Over 60+ Hours of Herbal Education!
If you are interested in this empowering program, which also offers need-based, fully-paid BIPOCC/AAPI scholarships, enrollment for the 2022 10-month training class, please go to the link above for more information/to apply.
The Harmony Way Virtual
Professional Herbalist Training Program
*Prerequisite: Harmony Way Home & Family
Herbal Training Program*
Do you crave more herbal wisdom? Do you love plants?
Do you want to feel a deeper connection to your calling and become a practicing herbalist?
Do you want to merge your love of nature and herbalism with a professional career that makes a positive difference in the world?
Then, this complete, two-year, professional-level training program may be an ideal match for you! Registration opens in April.
Over 350+ Hours of Professional Level,
Experiential Herbal Training!
Core Shamanic Healing & Counseling Classes, Years 1, 2, & 3:
(Only for those currently enrolled as students)
More information about this training program (and its need-based, fully-paid BIPOC/AAPI scholarships) is here:
Classes for all years of training began in September
The deadline has passed for entrance into the 2021-2022 year one training program.
Applications for 2022's year one class are now being accepted and will be accepted until July 1st, 2022.
Thank you.
Wishing you a healthy, happy month!
This Month's Exercise Demos:
(From: GroWithJo)
(From: The Fitness Marshall)
Many people love dance fitness, including me...and there are so many different types now. It is generally quite uplifting to listen to great music while getting an intensive cardio workout. Most instructors also lead classes that are lots of fun! Additionally, with standing core workouts, they are often safer for those with mobility issues and for the back/neck than other types of traditional abdominal exercises. If you try either of the above workouts this month, I hope you find them to be engaging and appropriately challenging.
Always check in with your medical health provider for advice before starting a new workout program, being mindful of any existing conditions or injuries that you have, bringing these up with a medical professional prior to trying any workout.
This Month's Wellness Articles:
(From: NIH)
(From: Plant Based News)
Above are two evidence-based articles. First, there are some interesting findings about our youth during the Covid-19 pandemic and how various factors have influenced their mental health. Some of the findings seem to echo previous studies about teen/youth wellness in other areas. There is also another article about mushrooms. Did you know that some mushrooms contain high amounts of Vitamin D3, as well as many compounds that can assist the immune system? This is only one reason to love them. However, if you don't love mushrooms, but are trying to like them or simply use them in your meals more for the health benefits, this might still prove to be a useful article. It offers facts, as well as tips for using them in your meals.
This Month's Yummy Recipe Links: